Hamscope Windows 7
Sep 10, 2013 Here's a demonstration of multiple frequency shift keying 16 (MFSK16). The interface is HamScope 1.56, running on Windows 7. Frequency is 21.095 MHz. RTTY with Windows and Soundcard WinXP - Vista - Win7 'MMTTY is free for Amateur Radio Use' Click for full screen view. For anyone new to RTTY and MMTTY.
Hamscope For Windows 7
I've acquired a PC having Window 7 (64 bit) for the OS.I want to work PSK via HamScope 1.56.On my old PC had Window XP and it ran.BUT under Window 7 (64-bit), HamScope seems NOT RUN AT ALL.Have ICOM IC-7410 use the ACC-port 13-pin and the SignaLink USB.Hamscope seems to NOT Work UNDER WINDOW? What you can do is to run it in Vmware. Download vmware at It's free but you have to register. Install vmware player, Reboot start vmware and make a virtual machine. This will give you the option to run XP or older software on a win7 os.