Typing Programme
Typing Test — Top 10 (ten) World Ranking Please note: We may delete certificates older than 6 (six) months. WPM = Words per minute Sl.
Kirans Typing Tutor. Kirans Typing Tutor is packaged and written for Microsoft Windows operating system, which lets you to learn Touch Typing and improve typing. Analyze & Train Your Skills. Typing Master 10 for Windows is a complete touch typing tutor with a real-time analysis widget. It analyses your typing skills and.
Name Level Net WPM Accuracy Country 1. Professional 2. Professional 3. Professional 4.
Professional 5. Professional 6.
Professional 7. Professional 8. Professional 9. Professional 10.
Professional How we grade your typing speed: Level Net WPM Slow 0 - 25 Average 26 - 45 Fluent 46 - 60 Fast 61 - 80 Professional 80+ Performance Graph — Based on top 10 (ten) world ranking Type 200% faster - Keyboarding online / online typing practice The following 100% free online typing practice lessons and exercises will help all users (beginner, intermediate, & advanced) to increase their typing skills. Click on a link below and start now. Typing Test - Test Your WPM Typing Speed in 60 Seconds - What you may need to know Surely, there are many typing speed test apps found online. I have used some of them. Some are good and some are not better than average. I used my typing learning experience to develop this typing speed test app.
This app is easy to use and quite straightforward. Do not be frustrated if you find your speed is not very good or even average. Try to figure out why your typing speed is slow in this typing speed test.
Are you using the wrong fingers? If so, you can use the other app named as “Finger Indicator.” On homepage, you will find two Youtube.com videos. Those videos have some professional advice to enhance your typing skills. You can follow those suggestions.
There are other apps on this site such as Fast Typing, Typing Practice, and Alphabet practice. You may give a try to find if those are useful for you. Patience is important if you want to reach the Professional level. Those people who reach the Professional level have surely tremendous typing speed and/or skill.
I wish you success so that you can reach the Professional level soon. Typing Test — Last 25 Practice Results Please note: We may delete certificates older than 6 (six) months. The following list shows how some users of this website have performed within last 24 hours. WPM = Words per minute Sl.
Name Level Net WPM Accuracy Country 1. Professional 8. Professional 9. Professional 10. Professional 11. Professional 12.
Professional 13. Average How we grade your typing speed: Level Net WPM Slow 0 - 25 Average 26 - 45 Fluent 46 - 60 Fast 61 - 80 Professional 80+ Performance Graph — Based on last 25 results Fast typing benefits Although all of us know fast typing is beneficial, here we shall give a list of many benefits. In this digital age, typing is almost an everyday necessity. So, millions of people are searching for free typing speed test online. As fast typing gets things done quicker, you achieve higher productivity and save your time. If fast typing can save you 10 (ten) minutes per day, it will save about 3,650 minutes or 60+ hours in a year. Imagine you are typing 60+ hours more every year because of your slow typing speed.
As a student, you can quickly take notes and save time on writing assignments. Chat faster with friends, family members and others. Fast and accurate typing is important in many jobs such as paralegal and executive assistant jobs. It is a 'must have' skill for journalists, blogger, and writers.
Do you want to work as a secretary and/or administrator? Typing is a fundamental job requirement for these jobs. Design of concrete structures 14th edition. If you build your career as an online personal assistant, computer operator, data entry operator, etc., this skill will help you throughout your career.
Sometimes this skill will help you to compete in high paying positions. Trust us – it will probably always matter how many words you are typing per minute. Improving words typing per minute will always help you. The good thing is – there are many free typing tests and typing training lessons available online. It is actually a typing word per minute test. Must Read Tips to improve your typing speed and achieve better typing test scores Many users of this website have achieved 100+ WPM (words per minute) scores in typing test WPM.
Do you know how this is possible in typing tests? Although there are several reasons behind such high scores in typing tests, there are two main reasons – (a) muscle memory and (b) practice, practice, and practice. Muscle memory can be defined as “when you do the same task over and over again, your body and brain learn to perform this task without conscious effort”. The more you practice, the better muscle memory is achieved. At this stage, your fingers know where the keys are positioned in the keyword.
So, you do not need to look at the keyboard to type anything. If you follow the typing training tips and techniques below, you can achieve 100+ typing test WPM without looking at the screen of your device such as a computer. A good typing speed will help you years after years by saving time, gaining higher productivity, ensuring efficiency, and many more. What is your typing tests WPM? Check your typing tests WPM from. Get ready for tough typing What is touch typing?
Touch typing or touch type or touch keyboarding is typing using all one's fingers and without looking at the keys. So, you must type without using the sense of sight to find the keys and use all your fingers instead of use a few fingertips and even nails to type. Expert typists are touch typists.
The following sections will guide you to become a touch typist. Always practice typing to become an expert touch typist. Maintain the correct sitting posture for typing If your sitting position is not correct, this can be tiring. You should not only sit straight but also keep your back straight.
Your chair should have proper support for your back. Feel free to place a small pillow between your back and your chair if your chair does not have any built-in cushion for your lower back. There should be minimum from 45 to 70 centimeters distance between your eyes and the screen.
But you should not sit far away from your computer too. This will make hard to type. Place the screen in such a place that it is in the same height of your head when you look forward. As an alternative, you can adjust your chair if you are using an adjustable chair. When you keep your fingers on the keyboard, your elbow should be in 90 degree angle. When you type, you should feel comfortable and allow minimum strain to your shoulder, arm, and wrist muscles. Try to put your feet flat on the floor if it is OK with you.
Your fingers should be just a little curved. Remember that you arms should always be relaxed.
Typing on your lap is not recommended. Type at a desk or table. The place where you sit and type should be comfortable, well-lit, and well-ventilated. Always follow the keyboard scheme Amateurs use the wrong fingers to press keys in the keyboard. But expects use the correct finger to press every key.
It is hard to remember which finger you should use to press which key. But it is not a problem at all. Do not miss these free typing lessons. When you go through each exercise of these free typing lessons, an image in the application shows you which finger to use for the next letter or symbol. We strongly hope you will find this super-easy to follow. These 144 free typing lessons and/or exercises cover from letters to numbers to symbols.
This series of 144 typing practice exercises is kind of “all in one” typing test speed test online version for every touch typing learner. Our typing test online can help you to learn this lesson. Are you looking for a free typing speed test online?. Practice, practice, and practice How long should you practice typing?
You should practice typing as long as you do not achieve professional scores in your typing tests. Do you want to achieve even higher such as 100+ WPM? If so, do not stop.
Keep practicing. This is the only way to reach your goals. Here are some achievement goals/targets for each level of progress: Beginner level goals: Two goals – (a) just try to build the good habit of using the right fingers to press the right key and (b) make sure that you can easily and correctly press the keys in function row, number row, tab row, home row, bottom row, and space bar row. Intermediate level goals: Two goals – (a) identify which keys or key combinations are giving you trouble and practice typing more to iron these errors out and (b) make sure you can accurately and comfortably use both hands and all fingers to press the keys.
Advanced level goals: Three goals – (a) build muscle memory so that you can accurately type fast without looking at the keys, (b) achieve a professional score in every typing speed test and (c) develop natural rhythm when you type. How long should you practice every day? You should practice at least 30 (thirty) minutes or more.
Ideal time is – at least one hour or more. Divide your practice in many short periods. Practicing long periods are less useful than practicing many short periods. Do you need a free typing test?
Our site has free typing test online and free typing practice. Begin by practicing individual letters You should start with not only the letters but also other individual keys such as numbers and symbols. Next, you should try to type words accurately. Finally, you should type sentences and paragraphs. This step by step process is easy and comfortable to follow. To see how it works. Before you go to check the free typing test WPM page, you want to.
Save typing test results to measure your progress Typing speed is usually measured in WPM unit in a typing speed test. Before you start any practice, take a typing test and save the score i.e.
Typing test WPM. Now you can start practicing.
Time to time take a typing test and save your results. These results will help you to understand and analyze your progress over time. Go to this page to save your practice typing test results because this page offers free typing test WPM. Practice with typing apps and free typing games Besides free typing practice apps, there are many free typing apps and free typing games available on the Internet. Some of the free typing games are very much interesting and addicting. You can start with a free typing game and then try more such free typing games.
The good thing with free typing games is – you will not easily get bored when you play a free typing game. Is a street fight game.
You own a military vehicle and destroy enemy vehicles by typing the correct words. Our ZType / is played and enjoyed by many users every day. Do not miss our TypeRacer / game. If you are a fan of typing zombie game, you may like our game. For kids, we have game that has all levels and stages. Our game is different from BBC Dance Mat Typing but teaches the same typing lessons.
If you are a fan of Ninja games, try our game. Our site saves your typing test online. Just for typing speed test free and log in before you start your typing test online. The secrets of the F and J keys Did you ever notice raised bumps on each of the F key and J key? If not, notice now. Why are raised bumps added to these keys? When your index fingers rest on the F and J keys, your other fingers will naturally fall into other keys.
In other words, you do not need to look away from your screen if your index fingers are on these keys because you can easily locate any key you need to press. Whenever you sit to type something, start by placing your index fingers on these raised bumps. So, your left hand fingers should be on “ASDF” keys and right hand fingers on “JKL;” keys. Now you are ready to start typing.
Do not look at the keys when you type and practice typing test The fact is - looking at the keyboard actually slows a typist down. So, you should memorize the position of each key. When you start practicing, you may make mistakes.
But it is OK. No one became an expert typist without making mistakes. Just remember that the more you practice, the better your fingers will automatically be able to find the right key and press it without your conscious effort. This way your muscle memory will grow. But if you look at the keys and type, this will delay your learning. In fact, this is the incorrect way of learning typing.
So, try to avoid this from day one. Another important suggestion here is - to improve your typing speed and reduce stress on your hands, position your fingers close to the base position of your keyboard. Do you want to take a challenge and force yourself to learn the key positions? Buy a Das Keyboard Ultimate because it is a blank keyboard. It will be useless even if you look at the keyboard.
Does this sound challenging and interesting? Higher accuracy can result in higher speed typing When you make a lot of mistakes, it slows down your speed. Did you notice? On the other hand, there is no use of fast typing speed if you are making a lot of mistakes. As a beginner, take your time and use the correct fingers to press the keys and thus, try to be accurate in your typing practice and typing speed test. The more accurate you become, the higher speed you will see.
Another point is – you waste your time, energy, productivity when you make a lot of mistakes and use the backspace key many times to delete first and then correct the errors. So, it is perfectly OK to slow down and try to be more accurate. Do not worry. Eventually, speed will follow you. When you slow down and try to be accurate, you will feel relaxed and more in control.
You should never worry about speed in practice typing test. Instead, try to be accurate in your typing test speed test online! So, feel free to slow down when you find that your typing is getting less accurate. When you are a beginner, try to repeatedly type sample passages over and over again. It has two benefits – you gain accuracy and speed at the same time. Give a try and you will understand how it works.
First, try to be 100% accurate. So, feel free to slow your typing pace until you can attain 100% accuracy. Then go for speed. Remember what Vince Lombardi said, 'Practice doesn't make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect.' To check your accuracy in a speed typing test, use. You should minimize your physical effort Your keyboard is good enough to register a keystroke with a light touch. So, there is no need to type with force.
This just drains your energy out and strains your wrists and hands. When you type, your finger muscles are not only involved but also your hands, arms, back, shoulders, neck and head muscles are involved. Forceful typing strains all these muscles. So, always use the minimum force necessary to type. Stretch your wrists when they get stiff It is common among typists when their wrists get stiff if they type for a longer period of time. Stiff wrists will surely slow down you speed. But how should you stretch your wrists?
Go to and search for “wrist stretching exercises” and you will find several exercises. This kind of exercise can bring back energy and mobility of your wrists and fingers.
Use basic keyboard shortcuts to navigate faster When you use shortcuts, your hands are still on the keyboard. But when you use your mouse, your hands go away from the keyboard. Finally, your hand comes back on the keyboard. It consumes and/or wastes your valuable typing time. The less you save the mouse, the more time you save. We have given a list of basic shortcuts so that you can learn right from here and start using them.
Platform Shortcuts Descriptions 1. Word File Ctrl + C Copy selected item 2. Word File Ctrl + X Cut selected item 3. Word File Ctrl + V Paste 4. Word File Ctrl + Z Undo 5. Word File Ctrl + S Save current file 6. Word File Ctrl + F Select the search box to search for word(s) 7.
Typing Programs For Adults
Word File Ctrl + A Select everything 8. Word File Shift + Left Arrow Select previous letter 9. Word File Shift + Right Arrow Select next letter 10. Word File Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow Select previous word 11. Word File Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow Select next word 12.
Word File Ctrl + Left Arrow Navigate cursor to previous word without selecting 13. Word File Ctrl + Right Arrow Navigate cursor to next word without selecting 14. Word File Home Go to start of line 15. Word File End Go to end of line 16. Word File Page up Scroll up 17. Word File Page Down Scroll down 18. Browser Ctrl + Tab Move forward through tabs 19.
Browser Ctrl + Shift + Tab Move back through tabs 20. Browser Ctrl + T Open a new tab 21. Browser Ctrl + W Close current tab 22.
Typing Programs Download
Browser Ctrl + Shift + T Open previously closed tab 23. Browser Ctrl + R Refresh current webpage 24. Browser Ctrl + N Open a new browser window 25. Browser Backspace Go back one page 26. Browser Shift + Backspace Go forward one page 27. Windows Alt + Tab Switch to next opened window 28.
Windows Alt + F4 Close current window Keep at least one or both thumbs on the space bar Oftentimes, we need to type one or more spaces. If you keep at least one or both the thumbs on the space bar, you will never need to shift your hands around to type one or more spaces between two words.
So, do not take both your thumbs off the space bar at the same time. This will surely save your time. Always use your new touch typing habit Do use your 10 (ten) fingers during your practice in offline or online typing test i.e. Speed typing test. Use ten fingers touch typing when you chat with someone. Use ten fingers touch typing when you type an email, assignment, or anything. Just totally avoid your hunt and peck typing habit.
Are you still using your old typing habit? After you finish your free typing test lessons online.
How many words are you typing per minute in online type test? Are you happy with your online type test results? Will an employer be happy with your online type test score if you apply for a job?. Use a keyboard you are comfortable with There are different shapes and sizes of keyboards. But you should use the one that you are comfortable with.
Another important thing is – the larger the key sizes are, the easier it will be to type. Besides, the keys should have enough resistance to inform you that the stroke has registered. This also helps to avoid accidentally hitting keys. Buy a mechanical keyboard Yes, seriously.
When you achieve 60 or more WPM and want to keep improve, buy a mechanical keyboard. These keyboards are ideal for typing even faster. But there are two things to remember. First, you do not need this keyboard if you are a beginner. Try this only after you achieve 60 ore more WPM as we said earler.
Second, it will take some time to get used to this type of keyboard. If you buy such a keyboard, use this page to see how you are performing with your new keyboard in free words per minute test. Do not go back Most people have the bad habit of typing with only two fingers or a few fingers. They are very comfortable with this habit and feel strong resistance from their inner side as soon as they need to change the habit and get used to using all the fingers of both hands. Surely, it can take weeks before your fingers get conditioned to take control of the keys they are responsible for. At the beginning, this can be uncomfortable free typing tests WPM.
But do not give up (even if your initial progress is slow) and go back to your previous typing habit. Have patience and keep trying.
Do not use your hunt and peck method any more in your offline or online typing test / speed typing test. Leave it behind forever. Try a free typing test right now on our free typing lessons test if you wish to.
Join a typing class If you have tried to learn by yourself but failed to see improvements in an online typing test or do not find free typing test lessons online helpful, a good alternative is to take a typing class. Your instructor can personally help you.
Many schools, community colleges, and education programs offer typing or keyboard classes. So, you should check to see if your institution offers a typing class.
Some other important suggestions Here go some other short but important suggestions to follow:. If you are a beginner, it will surely take some time before see results of your typing word per minute test. Do not rush or give up. Your patience is important. Does this make sense?.
As you keep practicing, your mistakes will slowly decrease and you will gain speed. Please do not expect to see good typing speed within a short period of time. When you cannot concentrate and are making a lot of mistakes, take a break and come back later to continue practicing again.
Take a free typing test whenever you need to check your free typing tests WPM. Finally, we are reminding you again that try each and every exercise in. You can also read the articles from our free typing lessons test page. These are theoretical discussion of free typing test lessons online. What is your score in free typing tests WPM / free words per minute test after all these typing practice sessions? About this site This site is related to the following keywords/terms:.
Typing test. Typing games.
Typing speed test. Free typing games. Online typing test. Free typing test.
Keyboarding online. Typing practice. Touch typing. Typing lessons.
Typing games for kids. Typing game. Typing test wpm. Free typing lessons. Test the typing speed.
In-depth Review for Choosing the Best Typing Software Program If you are after a tutor to help you learn to type faster you can select from a great variety of typing programs. In this review we aim to cover 5 of the best typing software tutors on the market today. They focus on ‘touch typing’ techniques to allow your brain to easily register the position of each key while you are looking at the screen. The tutors listed in this review are for both beginners and advanced typists. Best Typing Software 2018 – Top 4.
Typesy 2018 Typing Instructor Mavis Beacon Ultrakey 6.0 $29.95 $29.99 $29.95 $39.95 Video Tutorials Adventure Testing Adult Teaching Mac, Windows Mac, Windows Mac, Windows Mac, Windows ★★★★★★ ★★★★★★ ★★★★★☆ ★★★★★☆ Scroll table on tablets. Update: Typing Tutors 2018/01 1. Typesy Typing Software Typesy 2018 , formerly Ultimate Typing, is the most engaging and feature rich typing software tutor on the market. It’s cloud based, offers 5 user accounts with unlimited system installs, professional audio/video tutorials and social sharing options. In addition, Typesy brings home so many entertaining training exercises and games to play that it can be used by just about anyone to increase speed and accuracy.
Key Features Video instructions – Typesy scores an extra point with its video instructions. Each lesson is accompanied by a training video that explains how the exercise works and which skills are improved. The video tutorials also talk about common and bad typing habits. It helps you understand how to change these habits too within the videos. 9 training programs – Typesy Typing Software gives you a step by step training program that starts from the most basic level and takes the user towards advanced training. This is best if you love improving step by step.
All of the lessons are adaptable to your skills. You can train with more than 500 eBooks but also create or import your own lessons. Excellent Interface – Typesy is one of the few typing tutors on the market that has a clean, modern and polished interface. With its new cloud based version, users can access the course from anywhere in the world and always practice with the latest update. If you start an activity on a Mac or Windows PC and proceed on a computer with a different system you results and data will be synced automatically.
Cons. No recommended goals for individual skill level. Videos only have one presenter Verdict – Typesy 2018, formerly Ultimate Typing, maintains the same great quality other software from eReflect has. Its lean interface design and plenty of exercises are a great way to keep yourself busy while you learn to increase your typing speed and accuracy.
We also love the fact that it is the only program that uses a propriety teaching method known as ‘EasyLearn’. It is also one of the best typing software on the market as it comes with the largest video database. Every lesson is clearly explained with the help of an on screen trainer.
This makes learning so much easier and more engaging. Students will also get a certificate upon completion. Available for Mac and Windows 10, 8, 7, XP, Vista. Rating: ★★★★★★ Price: $29.95. EDU Version – Schools and universities can get the Typesy Premium Keyboarding Program to set up online classes for students. Contact us on how to get a good deal.
Typing Instructor Platinum Typing Instructor Platinum is a popular typing tutor software with some of the best feature sets in the industry. It features a wide variety of educational drills and entertaining games alongside general hints and tips, enhancing both its usability and longevity. An excellent progress tracking system will also make it easy for you to get the best out of the lessons provided. There are different versions for home, schools and organizations targeting kids, students, adults and professionals. Key Features Dynamic learning feature – Typing Instructor Platinum dynamically changes how lessons are provided based on your performance. After a lesson has been completed, the software detects your weak points and suggests training programs that can help improve these weaknesses. Learning methods – The main teaching method is keystroke memory.
Each and every time you press a key you tend to use the same finger so Typing Instructor builds upon this by repeating actions through different exercises, thus reinforcing your memory. Customizable goals – When you first begin using the tutor, it puts you through a basic assessment process. Upon completing this initial exercise, this typing software recommends goals based on your skill.
You can also simply choose your own goals if you are not satisfied with the results provided. Unique travel themes – When you start the program for the first time, it lets you pick a virtual destination from 36 different destinations. This adds a fresh look to your interface and serves as an excellent way to keep children interested. Each and every time you pass a string of exercises and small tests, you are also transported to another corner of the world for you to explore! Cons.
Cumbersome interface. Travel themes may slow systems. User cannot pause while in a lesson. Single computer license. Has no tutorials One issue that may arise for some users is that the variety of activities available is currently 120, which is below the average of 170 for comparative tutors and thus utilizing the software day after day may become somewhat repetitive.
Verdict – Typing Instructor Platinum’s unique features like its customized destination based interface and over 30 plus games make it a great and fun experience for anyone and to put it on the list of the best typing software for kids and adults alike. However, due to its lack of tutorials, Some people may have problems using it for the first time. It is an excellent choice if you love creating customized goals. Rating: ★★★★★★ Price: $29.99 3. Kaz Typing Tutor The KAZ Typing Tutor is advanced skills developing software for learning to type fast and learn the keyboard from A to Z. It is widely used by individuals and businesses as well as in schools, universities, organizations and governments.
The uniqueness of this software course is that it will teach you to touch type within 90 minutes and uses the Accelerated Learning Method for best results and training. It is widely recognized as one of the most advanced teaching and learning method available. Accelerated Learning Method – KAZ Typing was scientifically researched and brain tests done to test the effectiveness of this method. More than 18,000 people were tested before the initial launch.
Studies concluded that it was successful among most of the students. By using a patented method of 11 words in 5 easily remembered phrases, most were able to learn how to type in less than 1.5 hours. Brain Balancing feature – Brain balancing engages all the major senses when learning. Hearing the words, seeing it on screen and typing it on the keyboard enhances and speed up the learning process. It does this by training the fingers on the left and right hand to work in symmetry together and also to learn the keyboard from A to Z.
Testing, Exercising – The KAZ Typing Software includes typing tests as well as speed and accuracy builder modules. You can set the keyboard to either a U.S. Layout to match your region and preference. KAZ is also SEN enabled offering three options: Sound, Text Version and audio Description to match individual learning preferences.
Good to know. Online edition is an annual license.
Online edition offers access from anywhere. Internet access is required for the desktop version. Desktop edition is a 10 year license. 1 year support. Desktop edition is allocated to work station. More users?
A Family Edition is required. Packages – The KAZ Typing Tutor is available as a business, personal or educational edition.
The business and educational package each have a free trial course available. Individual students may find the Home Edition (Adult, Junior, Family (5 users)) the most suitable option to get started. There is also a new Dyslexia edition available.
Verdict – KAZ Typing with Accelerated Learning is used in the government, businesses and schools. It is an effective and easy to master package. Recommended for individual learners, businesses, schools, universities and organizations, it is certainly one of the best typing software courses on the market, despite its slightly higher price tag compared to other classes. Rating: ★★★★★★ Pricing:.
$/£19.95 Online (1 user). $/£29.99 Desktop (1 user). $/£59 Family Online (5 users). UltraKey 6.0 Keyboarding Tutor Ultrakey 6.0 makes it easy for anyone to learn how to type fast. It uses some of the most accurate and successful methods to teach typing and offers a very comprehensive progress tracking system. With its formal and technical interface, Ultrakey is specifically aimed at young working professionals and mature students. This typing software offers training modules for children, adults and professionals.
It also offers enterprise editions for schools, colleges, universities and organizations with a licensing system. Key Features and Benefits Learning experience – Ultrakey 6.0 works on a cumulative working experience, meaning that previous skills you learnt are reinforced and built upon in the following exercises and lessons. How the software works is by encouraging individual keystroke movements before progressing you onto fluid typing exercises, of which there are 720 unique types. Easy to use interface – It has a well made interface with modern graphics and makes navigation a breeze no matter what age group you belong to.
Moreover, it comes preinstalled with 12 interface themes to choose from. Cross platform support – Ultrakey’s virtual keyboard works seamlessly on both Windows and Mac. This typing course software can be installed on three computers at a given time and adapts to the preferences of the machine. For example, the virtual keyboard changes the key layout depending on the system it is installed on. Excellent Progress reporting – The software works on an individual keystroke basis, highlighting which keys, phrases and chain sequences you have issues with and thus suggesting a training program for you to improve.
It also provides well drawn charts and in-depth stat analysis. Typing ergonomics – Posture and positioning is also hugely important and this is reinforced from lesson one. Improving your positioning and posture makes reaching for keystrokes and chaining words together much easier in the long run. Tutorials – If you struggle with certain exercises or wish to repeat subjects, there are video tutorials with audio instruction that give clear advice and hints right when you need it.
Cons. Virtual keyboard lacks numeric pad. Lack of games and entertaining activities. Interface may not suitable for slower systems Ultrakey also offers cloud sharing abilities. Every time that your training is complete for the day, it uploads your progress to a cloud save that is accessible from any other computer in the world with a computer connection.
Verdict – Ultrakey 6.0 is an excellent typing tutor that can be finetuned to personal preferences in every way possible. With its in-depth progress tracking, huge selection of activities and and helpful guidance, success is assured no matter what your goals are. We see it as one of the best typing software for teachers. Rating: ★★★★★☆ Price: $39.95 5.
Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing Family + Personal Mavis Beacon has partnered with Broderbund to deliver a typing course that is highly personable and objective based, meaning that once an objective is reached only then can you progress to the next one. This tutor has over 400 exercises, making it the most versatile typing software on the market. With so many exercises provided in a single package, the instructor is great for teaching anyone how to type fast.
Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing has been designed to be ideal for anyone from children to the elderly and comes in three different versions for individuals, family and kids. Key Features Progressive lessons – One of the best software features is that each of its lessons is guaranteed to improve your skills. It does so by giving you a minimum score to reach with each lesson. If you fail to reach the minimum score required, you will be asked to repeat the lesson. The lessons also become increasingly tough as you pass them. Teaching Methods – Focusing initially on finger-to-key instruction, enforcing correct placement, it starts to focus upon chaining keystrokes together before moving onto chained sentences and paragraphs, all designed to improve your speed and accuracy.
Typing Programs Free
Good posture is also central to the Mavis Beacon typing program. Customizable lessons – It allows users to create a customized training module. Users can pick the games and exercises they want.
This helps them target their weakest areas to improve them. Feedback, Monitoring – There is a good level of feedback, with detailed statistics available for all aspects of your typing skills. Mavis Beacon will suggest suitable activities in order to strengthen your weakest areas. It regularly gives visual prompts as to where your hands should be on screen, allowing you to mimic these positions. Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing Family – Up to 8 users can be registered with the Family account of this software, meaning the whole family and a few extended relatives can all experience the benefits of advanced typing. Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing Personal – The Personal Edition employs the same learning techniques as the Family Edition, there are however fewer typing exercises (330 as opposed to 425) as some more children orientated ones are left out between versions. Cons.
No video or audio instructions. No auto recommendations. Only one theme.
No accuracy analysis. Lack of customization and personalization options Verdict – Mavis Beacon Family/Personal is a popular typing software but it may lack some of the features and variations other top end typing tutors offer today. The whole experience feels much less customizable in comparison and every user is subjected to the same teaching methods. However, we love the set structure of the course and the fact that it has so many exercises that you can simply never run out of options.
This is a popular typing program if you like practicing your skills using several different lessons. Rating: ★★★★★☆ Price: $29.99 6. Typing Instructor Web Typing Instructor Web is an online based typing software that will advance your skills without the need to install it on your computer. Powered by Individual Software Inc and requiring just a user name, password and membership fee from you, this is an interesting alternative to a desktop copy of other courses. Key Features Lessons – There are over 100 lessons to choose from where the student focuses upon a certain type of key on the keyboard, be it letter, number or punctuation. From here, exercises are conducted that reinforce correct form and function when pressing the relevant keys by on screen prompts and audio guidance.
Any incorrect entries will flash red and have to be re-entered. Suitable for teachers – This is a good tool for teachers in particular. You can log into a unique server built for you and your students where you can gather results for each and every student under your guidance. Interface – The interface is also bright, colorful and friendly. This is further reinforced by several fantastic games available. Each and every one focuses of a different exercise and thus reinforces learning.
Several are also typing based adventure games, adding to the product’s longevity. Monitoring – As previously mentioned, the management features of Typing Instructor Web allow you to monitor each and every child you register with ease. You get instantaneous feedback on exercises they complete, suggested courses of action to undertake and live updates of exactly what they are doing inside the program, which alleviates your task somewhat when devising what to do next! Things to consider – The customization options are once again limited for Typing Instructor Web. Whilst this is perhaps to be expected due to it being an online typing software essentially controlled from one central ‘hub’, features along the lines of individual user panels would have been a nice additional touch.
Verdict: Typing Instructor Web is one of the best online typing programs 2018, though tutors such as Typesy Typing are fully cloud based in the meanwhile and combine the best features of both worlds. Whilst some grading options and more personalization would perhaps help make consumers connect more with the product, you still receive an excellent program that will get results.
Rating: ★★★★★☆ 7. Typing Master Pro Typing Master Pro comes with a unique feature called ‘Satellite learning’. This feature can help you improve your speed and accuracy even when you are not using the tool.
Apart from that, it is a fairly basic typing software tutor lacking an interface and missing some top end features. Key Features Satellite feature – This unique feature changes the game for Typing Master Pro. When turned on, the program analyzes your speed and accuracy with typing whenever you are not using the app itself.
This is best if you find it hard to make time for daily training. You can also see your weak areas, get suggestions and set goals to improve them. Progressive tests – Typing Master Pro occasionally puts you through tests to let you see where your progress stands. With each test, this typing software also gives you plenty of suggestions to help you improve your weakest areas. Verdict – Typing Master Pro is a great tool for professionals or individuals who like to keep things simple.
With no extra features available, you will only be focusing on increasing your speed and accuracy with plenty of effective training modules. Rating: ★★★★☆☆ Original price: $39.90. The successor is Typing Master 10 and available for free.
KeyBlaze Typing Tutor KeyBlaze is a simple typing tutor suitable for users at all levels and those who simply want to improve on accuracy and speed. Below are some of most noticeable ones: Goals, exercises – Downloading and using the software is easy. Great efforts have been made to create a fun product that nevertheless never lose sight of the main aim. A solid feature of KeyBlaze is that you can set specific goals for yourself and then complete drills, exercises and games until you have achieved your goals. Special lessons – The tutor detects and records keystrokes and words that cause you trouble and suggest additional exercises to overcome the problem. KeyBlaze also include special lessons that focus on dictation and transcription skills, a unique feature not covered by many other typing software in this category.
Separate lessons place emphasis on the use of special keys, capitalization and numbers. Verdict – KeyBlaze follow a very structured approach to tuition. This typing tutor is well designed and you will not find it difficult to achieve your own personal goals. However, in regards to design, latest technology and cloud features, it kinda falls behind the top players such as Typesy, Mavis Beacon or Ultrakey. Rating: ★★★★☆☆ Best Typing Software 2018: Review Verdict Touch Typing makes it easier for you to type, but also gives you a competitive edge against others by helping you boost productivity. The above list hopefully offers you enough options to increase your typing speed and accuracy starting today.
Recommendation: All of the typing tutors listed here are good enough to help you with any kind of typing problems. However, if you are looking for a tutor that goes the extra mile, we recommend the Typesy 2018 tutor. Typesy wins because of its clear and concise interface, extremely detailed and helpful video tutorials, highly effective training modules and propriety learning method. When we compare the price of Typesy with other typing software, we can easily say that Typesy offers you the best value on the market.
That isn’t all, completing the entire training course will get you a diploma that you can add to your CV. A good alternative is the KAZ tutor. Bottom line: As these courses are designed by touch typing experts there are also many benefits. One of them is to tackle bad typing techniques that may cause inflammation or RSI.
Another one is to save time at your job and be more efficient in what you do. Those working in the office may also be able to earn more money. FAQ Questions – At A Glance What is the best typing software? The best tutors to learn touch typing use scientifically proven teaching methods and support an individual learning style. They should provide adaptive learning features, smart progress tracking, customized activities and visual training tools.
Best Typing Software Tutors. Typesy ★★★★★ $29.95. KazType ★★★★☆ from $29.95.
UltraKey ★★★★☆ $39.95. Mavis Beacon ★★★★☆ $29.95. Typing Instructor ★★★★★ $29.99. KeyBlaze ★★★☆☆ $30. GS Typing Tutor ★★★☆☆ $30.
Master Key ★★★☆☆ $15. Typing Master 10 ★★★★☆ Free. 10 Fast Fingers ★★★★☆ Free What are the top features to consider?. Expert typing lessons to learn the 10-finger system. Accuracy training, timed exercises, ergonomic lessons. Personalized learning: video lessons, suitable games, activities. Tracking of progress, speed, time and accuracy.
Smart goals that will adapt to learning speed and needs. Ability to create, import and share own lessons. Accessibility on all computers and operating systems. Help section and support What is the best typing tutor for free? It’s also possible to try free online typing tutor courses and lessons. The key to decide whether you go with a professional or free version is to look at the educational needs of your kids or your own learning goals and preferences. It is worth to check on accessibility, quality of user experience and layout design.
One of the biggest benefits of choosing a premium typing software is the quality of expert exercises, adaptive learning features and advanced tracking options. Typing.com. TypingMe. TypingCat. RataType. Klavaro Further Reading: What do you think is the best typing software 2018?
Have you tried any of them? Please share your experiences or let us know if we missed any popular typing programs, tutors or courses! Share this review.
We did decide to purchase Ultimate Typing, based on this review and that of a homeschool blogger we follow, as well. Overall, it is just wonderful! Our ten-year-old has already worked up through the drills to “real words”, and is very happy about that!
She practices 10-15 minutes a day, and manages to stay focused, and we are seeing some real improvement already. Hopefully, by the end of the summer, she will be doing “real typing” and can produce her own letters, school reports, and stories. There is a minor downside I have to mention too.
While the videos are very informative, the woman who “stars” in them got somehow irritating when we realized she was in everysingleone! Her enthusiastic delivery is a bit overdone (along with obviously staged gestures) that it may take away from the subject matter. That’s only a small part of the program, however, and the rest so far is all positive and very effective. I have briefly checked it out and graphics and interface seem to be nice looking.
Typing software may certainly differ in price, some more some less expensive. The typing tutors covered in this review have been designed by professional software companies and I’m interested in those ones that provide a whole step-by-step course suitable for teachers, students and individuals.
They should definitely include drills, games and exercises and ideally offer teaching videos, tutorials, manageable user accounts or the option to create own classes or import material. All these features may increase pricing more or less, and of course it depends on the students which program will suit them most.