Petitboot Ps3 3.55
Find great deals on eBay for playstation 3 3.55 and ps3 3.55. Shop with confidence. [Tutorial] Install OtherOS++ CFW 3.55, Petitboot and Red Ribbon Linux - PS3 (noob friendly) Click for a full tutorial and download links Installing OtherOS++ CFW by glevand and Red Ribbon Linux (RC5) on the PS3. Apr 02, 2011 Follow us on twitter - Loading up petitboot through custom Debian kernel after formatting the fourth partition of VFLASH into.
Yo a lo mas que he podido usar linux ha sido hasta el cfw 4.46 en mi viejita ps3 slim, solo que por tener linux me dio la curiosidad de dumpear juegos de PS3 en formato.iso pues cuando lo ponia a probar con el multiman me salia un mensajito que el juego se encontraba encriptado el eboot o algo asi que no recuerdo bien, solo que si uno quiere instalar linux sea por curiosidad de como puede funcionar pues denle pero si hay que bajar a 3.55 y ahi hacer las particiones con la ayuda del petitboot y una vez hecha las particiones pues ya puedes subir a un cfw que sea compatible con otheros. Solo que si Linux en la PS3 en modo interfaz no te ira de forma fluida como si fuese un pc, tiene su lentitud que si no sabes que hacer con el mejor no instalar desde la particion del hdd y hacerlo por via live en un usb o quemar un cd por si quieres curiosear con el.
REBUG TOOLBOX 02.02.1 – OCT. Get into pc. 28TH 2014 ADDED – Support up to 4.65 CEX/DEX CFW Rebug Toolbox is application designed to complete the full function of REBUG REX EDITION firmwares but is also compatible with most current 3.55-4.65 CEX/DEX CFW ( Some Menus Have Changed).
Besides from performing the CEX/DEX EID0 and LV2 Kernel Swapping it is also a FTP server and is packed with a bunch of other useful tools. SYSTEM SYSTEM INFORMATION: Displays Firmware version, Toolbox version, IP address, current LV2 Kernel and Target ID type and free HDD space. QUIT: Quits Toolbox and returns you to PS3 XMB. REWRITE TARGET ID IN FLASH: This option requires you have a valid NOR/NAND dump named correctly on devusb000.
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Use EXPORT FLASH TO FILE function found in the UTILITIES menu to dump your NOR/NAND to devusb000 and then use to convert your dump to DEX. Rename your original CEX dump to CEX-FLASH.EID0.NORBIN (16mb) or CEX-FLASH.EID0.NANDBIN (239mb or 256mb) Rename your converted DEX dump to DEX-FLASH.EID0.NORBIN (16mb) or DEX-FLASH.EID0.NANDBIN (239mb or 256mb) Once you have prepared your NOR/NAND dumps place them on a USB device and connect it to devusb000. Now that you have your valid dumps named properly and connected to devusb000 it is a simple as selecting the option and following the onscreen prompts. Takes less than 10secs once you have your dumps prepared.
Ps3 3.55 Update
UTILITIES TOGGLE QA: Enable/Disable QA flag. Enable for easy downgrade and other extra features on all 3.55/4.21/4.30/4.31 CFW. CHANGE ACTIVE PS3ID: Spoof IDPS in LV2 memory. Choose from Use EID0 or Use EID5. EID5 will spoof your original CEX IDPS allowing you to connect to PSN if your PS3 is running REBUG REX EDITION firmware in DEX mode. OTHER TOOLBOX FEATURES: L3 changes clock/temperature display L2+R2 enable screensaver START+R2 take a raw rgb screenshot Remote-play via PSP/PSVITA Auto-turn-off if idle for 1 hour Telnet to PS3 ip at port: 8080 FTP access with writable devflash mounted as devrebug ( port: 21, user: anonymous, password: (anything)) Enjoy Codename: REBUG Team.
LINK AND MD5 CHECKSUM: LINKS AS OF. Please Do Not Hotlink Or Mirror Our Files. This includes posting links of our links, we rely on visitors to our site to help offset server costs. REBUG-TOOLBOX-02.02.1.pkg – 2cff7741728aecd2c1ebb7236ab64aea.