Speech Jammer No Download
admin 01.11.2019
Watch a man try to read while wearing a speech jammer. A speech jammer plays your voice back with a time delay of 0. In the video for You. Tube channel Speech Jammer.
Online Speech Jammer No Download
Turn on SpeechJammer, plug in your headphones and try to talk! Based on the IgNobel prize winning research, SpeechJammer plays your voice back to you at an adjustable delay, making it difficult to speak. 2.1 Updates:. Disable UserIdleDetectionMode while SpeechJamming. 2.0 Updates:. Record and playback your Speech Jams! 1.6 Updates:.
- More Speech Jammer No Download videos.
- The speech jammer – hearing your own voice through headphones with a short delay of about 100ms. This confuses your brain, and results in a hilarious effect.
Extended Trial Length, Review App to further extend trial 1.5 Updates:. Improved About page UI 1.1 Updates:. Added Windows Phone 7 Support!. Added Trial Mode, try out the Speech Jammer for 90 seconds for free!