Simple Search Program In Java
Hi, I am a newbie to Java and I want some help with designing a simple search engine in java. The program would read from a text file and would display the results. If I searched for some keyword say 'star' it should show me something like the following: Star found Star belongs to Planets Here Planet is the Topic and star is the sub-topic. Please help me with this. I started of with string search but I am not able to proceed. Sample Text File: 1.
Java Coding Samples. Various Java programs to illustrate various concepts. A Hello World! Java program. Very simple version of the Conway's Game of Life. Hello Java Example, java hello program Let's start writing first simple program of java. Simple program to print hello in java, How to compile and run hello java. Example Program to perform binary search on a list of integer numbers This program uses binary search algorithm to search an element in given list of eleme.
Write A Binary Search Program In Java
Planet bvdbkdbvjkbdjkdbdjbvjdbjdbvdjbvk 1.a star fkjnfkjnbfjknbfjknfjnbf. I think I recall my professor saying- 'The way search engines work is through Hash-indexing. All you have to do to search is Hash-it-up!' Or something along those lines. It might be wise to look up HashMap or HashSet to see how you can locate certain values through indexing, though I've never tried this class myself. Alternatives would result in using a variety of maps, but you'd most likely have to result to linear searches or other search algorithms that aren't as efficient. Check to see if the Hash idea will suit your needs.
How To Program In Java
Sample Program In Java Programming
I'll try to experiment on this myself too.